What is graphene ?
What is Graphene?
Why is this discovery so important ?
Made of carbon, a natural occurring element on earth with a never-ending life cycle; Graphene is the lightest, thinnest, hardest and strongest material known to man. Its density is 3X harder than the surface of a diamond, and on an equal weight basis, graphene is 200 times stronger than steel.
Graphene is a nanoscale material; 1 gram covers 100 sq meters. Its functional properties come from its electron density.
The discovery of graphene back in 2004 is an important milestone because of the numerous benefits this amazing material provides. The benefits of graphene are profound and diverse. Graphene can be used in numerous other applications aside from textiles. Graphene’s inherent properties include the following:
- Bacteriostatic
- Odor Neutralizing
- Thermal Regulating
- Mechanical Strength
- UV Resistance
- Mite & Mosquito Repellency

Scientists are talking
about Graphene
“Graphene: the next big thing (but thin)”
The “material of the 21st century”
Hi5 electronics
“The wonder material”